Making money is just a small part of what makes someone truly wealthy. Much of it comes from a person's mentality—how they think about money, how they think about time, their goals, and the way they define success itself. There are ways that the super-successful approach these things that are distinct from the average person. But by adopting some of these mental practices of billionaires

1. They Focus on Earning, Not Saving

In his book How Rich People Think, Steve Siebold distilled three decades of interviews he conducted with millionaires around the world into dozens of tips to help guide readers to reframe their mentality. The first distinction between rich and average: "Middle class focuses on savings. World class focuses on earning." He emphasizes that this is especially true in times of financial difficulty—when the economy takes a downturn or when their industry takes a hit. Instead of operating from fear and making decisions focused on protecting themselves, squirreling away as much money as possible and not making any aggressive moves, the super-wealthy see opportunity.

"Even in the midst of a cash flow crisis, the rich reject the nickel and dime thinking of the masses," he writes. "They are masters at focusing their mental energy where it belongs: on the big money."

Rich guys aren't putting their attention on how much money they have for retirement—they are looking for how they can turn the money they have into far more wealth. Having a few side hustles for when the going gets tough won't hurt either.

2. Work is Their Hobby

Billionaires don't get to where they are without a huge amount of passion for the projects they're working on, and "work" for them is often indistinguishable from vacation—they do what they love, and find ways to make money while doing it. As Siebold puts it, "Middle class earns money doing things they don't like to do…World class gets rich doing what they love."

Rich guys don't understand the concept of "work" in the traditional way—of showing up, putting in time, and getting paid for spending time doing something. They know that rewards come out of accomplishing something, and offering something that's in-demand. They see steps that need to be taken to reach their goal, but the focus is always on the goal, and the excitement they feel when thinking about it. So for billionaires, "work" is a lot of fun. But if you insist you need a few hobbies outside of your 9-5. 

3.  Wake up Early 

Each and every single billionaire I interviewed said that waking up early is a big component of their success. Most said their wake-up time is around 5:00 a.m.

Early hours, when the sun is just starting to rise, exude a special kind of primal energy. You have more time to think in silence, work undisturbed and mentally prepare for the day. There’s also something wonderful about knowing you’re getting a head start while others are still asleep.

4. They read a lot

Warren Buffet , a voracious reader, will be the first to tell you that reading is the most valuable source of knowledge. The Berkshire Hathaway CEO reads up to 500 pages per day.
When I asked Cho Tak Wong chairman of Fuyao Group about the best piece of advice he’d give to the world, he answered, “I’d tell young people to read. Read books about how to do things right. Read books about how to be a good person.”

If you have the stereotypical image of a billionaire reading the economy pages of national dailies, you’re not wrong — some of them do just that. Many prefer the likes of The Economist, Financial Times, Fortune or The Wall Street Journal.

5.They care for their health, not just

      their wealth.

It’s no secret that taking care of yourself is an essential part of being successful since it reduces stress and prevents you from getting sick all of the time. In other words, if you’re stressed out and battling health concerns all the time -- how can you focus on your business?

But, as Justine Musk, the ex-wife of Elon Musk, explains on quora there are a number of other reasons why you should take care of yourself:

“It helps to have superhuman energy and stamina. If you are not blessed with godlike genetics, then make it a point to get into the best shape possible. There will be jet lag, mental fatigue, bouts of hard partying, loneliness, pointless meetings, major setbacks, family drama, issues with the significant other you rarely see, dark nights of the soul, people who bore and annoy you, little sleep, and less sleep than that. Keep your body sharp to keep your mind sharp. It pays off.”

6. They delegate.

Billionaires definitely grab the spotlight, but without an amazing team behind them, whether it’s their spouse or employees, they wouldn’t be where they are today.

As Richard Branson has said, “As much as you need a strong personality to build a business from scratch, you also must understand the art of delegation . I have to be good at helping people run the individual businesses, and I have to be willing to step back. The company must be set up so it can continue without me.”

                                                    HOW BILLIONAIRES THINK
                                                     by TRADEFLO

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