Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, after founding Microsoft in 1975. He is now worth $90 billion as Microsoft has risen to create the number 1 operating system brand Windows. He is the wealthiest man in the world.
1. Start as Early as Possible
Bill Gates was only 13 years old when he started working with computers. When you start something at an early point in your life, you become molded around it.
Not only will you have a chance of becoming successful sooner than most people, but you would also be less likely to want to give up.
If you’ve had a dream that you start working towards when you’re young, you will be more immune to people telling you what you can or can’t do.
By the time you’re an adult and people actually start to take more notice of what you’re working towards
2.Your best gets better with the right people
Don’t go it alone. You’re better when you’ve got the right people around you. Bill Gates built a culture of the best and brightest and was good at convincing his friends, such as Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer to join him on his adventures.
By surrounding himself with smart people, Bill was able to scale. He also had a sounding board for ideas. More importantly, ideas could get better from the combined smarts and perspectives.
Bill also knows how to complement his strengths by having the right people around that make up for his weaknesses.
3. Innovation is the heart and soul of a business.
It’s about bringing ideas to market and applying research. If you don’t innovate you die. The world keeps changing.
To stay ahead of the game, or even to stay in the game, you have to keep innovating: innovate in your products, innovate in your process, innovate in the markets, etc.
Bill Gates uses innovation as a way to drive impact whether it’s shaping software or saving the planet.
4. Build a better system.
Don’t just solve a one-off problem. Make the solution systematic and make it repeatable. Find, create, or leverage systems.
There is always a system, whether it’s at the micro-level or the macro level. The system has inputs and outputs, cycles, and levers.
Whether you’re creating the system or leveraging the system, you’re more effective when you realize that there is a system.
5. Learn From Your Mistake.
When it comes to failure, Bill Gates suggests that you should accept failure, learn from your mistakes, and move on instead of moaning about it and giving up. One of his famous quotes, “Its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” reflects his approach regarding dealing with failures in his life.
According to Bill Gates, failure is just as important as success, because it takes you back to the drawing board and helps you analyze the loopholes and causes of failure. As a result, you can fix these issues and avoid making the same mistakes again but this is not possible when you succeed. Consider failure as a learning opportunity instead of a demoralizing factor that forces you to quit.
By TradeFlo